Environmental Sustainability

Blockchain for Enhancing Environmental Sustainability.

Blockchain technology is one of many emerging technologies that has the potential to help solve some of the environmental problems that we face today. Uses of blockchain applications for tackling environmental challenges revolve around: supply chain monitoring
and tracking, innovative financial instruments, peer-to- peer trading of tokenized values, enabling decentralized systems of energy, and common-pool resources.

iMali provides enterprise grade environmental management solutions

Applications of blockchain technology could be useful when monitoring actors’ compliance to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and progress with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation. For example, our system can offer sustainable Blockchain applications for sustainable aquaculture and fish farming, that track distribution, make fish traceable and provide evidence of the companies’ ecological responsibility.

Linking Blockchain and Environmental Management

Based on the characteristics of the technology, blockchain- based applications can contribute to enhancing environmental management in the following five areas:

Tokenized Ecosystem

Tokenized natural resources can be tracked and traded on securely maintained blockchain networks and rewards for consensus can incentivise participants to join the network and operate within the system.

Carbon Offsets

Blockchain could enhance trust amongst emission trading participants by enabling the tracking and trading of emission reduction units under the carbon offset crediting mechanisms and recasting them as crypto tokens.

Behavioural Monitoring

Our blockchain systems can used to encourage behavioural changes for good. Allowing enterprises to track, measure, and reward environmentally sustainable behaviour and used to monitor change.


Information on environmental assets must be secured since they are evidence for financial property for states, companies, and indigenous peoples, immutable ownership information.


Transparency via information disclosure is increasingly at the heart of global environmental governance to ensure accountable, legitimate and effective governance.

Cost Reduction

Blockchain is primarily focused on cost reduction. The administrative burden of archiving can reduce the cost of data management and processing of transactions.